Life is full of challenges – whether it’s intense training, illness, or simply a fast-paced and stressful lifestyle. All these factors can drain our body and reduce energy levels, leaving us tired and weak. If you feel you need an extra boost or quicker recovery, the recovery drip "Hydration & Recovery" is the perfect solution for you.
What is the recovery drip and how does it work?
The recovery drip is a specialized infusion therapy designed to accelerate both physical and mental recovery. It contains essential vitamins, minerals, and hydrating fluids necessary for strengthening the immune system and speeding up recovery. The best part? This treatment is brought directly to your home or office, making it convenient and accessible.
Our recovery drip is filled with antioxidant-rich vitamins, including vitamin C and B-complex vitamins, which support the immune system and fight off illnesses. Additionally, the infusion contains magnesium, which helps relax muscles and reduces cramps, providing essential support after intense workouts and physical exertion.
Lipostat Plus: Supports Metabolism and Energy Levels
One of the powerful ingredients in our recovery drip is Lipostat Plus. It’s a unique blend of amino acids, vitamins, and hydrating fluids that helps boost metabolism and restore energy levels. If you've been feeling fatigued and drained, the infusion therapy with Lipostat Plus will give you the strength and vitality needed to tackle the challenges of the day.
Glutathione: neutralize free radicals and accelerate recovery.
The recovery drip also contains glutathione, an effective way to neutralize free radicals in the body. Illness and exercise can increase the formation of free radicals, causing inflammation and fatigue. Glutathione, one of the body’s most powerful antioxidants, helps neutralize these processes, providing faster recovery and improved well-being.
Recover after a big party or alcohol consumption
After intense parties and heavy alcohol consumption, the body is often exhausted and dehydrated, leading to fatigue, headaches, and other hangover-related symptoms. Our recovery drip helps restore fluid and electrolyte balance and provides the body with essential vitamins for faster recovery.
IV therapy alleviates hangover symptoms by supporting rapid recovery and providing energy levels that help you feel at your best again. The infusion contains hydrating fluids and essential vitamins that are quickly and effectively absorbed directly into the bloodstream, offering immediate relief.
Sobib ka treeningutest taastumiseks
Taastumis-tilguti pole mõeldud vaid haigusest taastumiseks. See on suurepärane valik ka sportlastele ja aktiivsetele inimestele, kes soovivad kiiremini taastuda treeningutest või spordivõistlustest. Infusioon aitab niisutada keha ja toetab kudede ja lihaste kiiremat taastumist, võimaldades sul kiiremini taas oma tippvormi naasta.
Põletiku vähendamine ja immuunsüsteemi tugevdamine
Lisaks vedelike taastamisele ja energiataseme tõstmisele aitab taastumis-tilguti vähendada põletikku kehas. Kui su kehal on vähem põletikulisi protsesse, on taastumine kiirem ning immuunsüsteem tugevam. See tähendab, et oled alati valmis selleks, mida elu nõuab – olgu selleks treeningud, töökohustused või muu igapäevaelu.
Miks valida taastumis-tilguti?
Kui otsid kiiret ja tõhusat lahendust oma keha ja vaimu taastamiseks, siis taastumis-tilguti on parim viis seda saavutada. See on lihtne, kiire ja mugav viis saada kätte kõik vajalikud vitamiinid, elektrolüüdid ja vedelikud, mida keha vajab, et tunda end hästi ja taastuda kiiremini. Kasuta võimalust ja anna oma kehale parim tugi, et olla alati parimas vormis!
Proovi taastumis-tilgutit juba täna ja koge, kuidas kiire taastumine ja hea enesetunne võivad muuta sinu igapäevaelu paremaks!
Anna Maria Kiss
Esteetilise meditsiini õde