

Botulinum injections


Botulinum toxin (botox) weakens the transmission of impulses from nerve endings to facial muscles, relaxing them and smoothing facial wrinkles as a result. The procedure helps to get rid of horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, so-called evil wrinkles, small wrinkles around the eyes and even the asymmetry of facial features.

The effects of botulinum toxin start to appear in about 10 days and last for 4 to 9 months. Over time, the nerve impulses restored and the effects of the Botox injections diminish. When the effect wears off, botulinum toxin treatment can be repeated.

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With the help of botulinum toxin injections, it is possible to fight against wrinkles without surgical intervention. The preparation has been thoroughly researched, is completely safe and has been used in aesthetic medicine for many years. Botulinum toxin weakens the transmission of impulses from nerve endings to facial muscles, relaxing them and smoothing facial wrinkles as a result.

The procedure helps to get rid of horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, so-called evil wrinkles, small wrinkles around the eyes and even the asymmetry of facial features.

The effect of the drug lasts an average of 4-6 months, at the same time weaning the patient from the habit of unnecessarily tensing facial muscles and frowning. By the time the medicine is fully absorbed, the frowning habit has diminished or completely disappeared, and new wrinkles appear much more slowly.


  • Frown lines
  • Horizontal forehead wrinkle
  • Wrinkles around the eyes (so-called crow's feet)
  • Wrinkles around lips
  • Nose wrinkles (bunny waves)
  • Sunken corners of the mouth
  • Rough chin
  • Muscle cords of the neck (the so-called turkey neck)
  • Headaches caused by muscle tension
  • Grinding of teeth
  • Gummy smile (gums show when smiling)


  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Acute infectious diseases
  • Inflammatory processes on the skin
  • Neuromuscular transmission disorders
  • Oncological diseases
  • Individual intolerance of the preparation
  • The final decision on the suitability of the procedure is made by the specialist of the procedure after the initial examination.


A natural, yet more youthful, relaxed and wrinkle-free look. The skin also becomes smoother and the pores smaller under the influence of botulinum.

Procedure info:

Depending on the area, small intramuscular or subcutaneous injections are given. Injections do not leave marks on the skin. The effect becomes noticeable already the next day after the procedure, increases gradually and becomes maximally noticeable after two weeks.

Duration of the procedure:

15-30 minutes

After the procedure:

  • Do not touch the injection area with your hands and wash for at least 2h.
  • Make-up products, alcohol and exercise are not allowed 12 hours after the procedure
  • In home care, avoid peeling the skin for 1 week after the procedure
  • Avoid sauna and spa treatments for 2 weeks after the treatment.
  • Avoid tanning, sunbeds and self-tanning creams for 2 weeks.
  • Avoid other powerful facial procedures for 2 weeks (chemical peeling, laser procedures, facial massage, etc.)
  • For a faster manifestation of the effect, you could do more mimicry for half an hour

After two weeks, a final assessment of the procedure can be given. If the movement of the muscle is not completely lost (if that was the goal) or if there is asymmetry, it can be easily corrected. Please contact our customer service if the result is not as expected.

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