

Combined Double Chin Removal Package


3 payments 149.67€ per month, without additional fees. Modena

Double Chin Removal Procedure 

Do you feel like the mirror doesn’t reflect who you truly are? What initially seemed like a small concern can turn into a significant challenge when a double chin becomes a persistent and bothersome issue that’s hard to ignore. Our goal is to help you feel even better about yourself, just the way you want to be – full of confidence and peace with your body.

We’ve created an effective package to support you on your journey to an even more beautiful version of yourself!


Goal: Suitable for those who wish to eliminate excess fat in the double chin area and achieve a smooth, more youthful neck and chin contour.

Package includes::

  • 2 Dr. Lipo lipolytic procedures::
    Dr. Lipo is a specialized lipolytic that helps break down fat cells and reduce fat in areas like the double chin. Lipolytics aid in fat cell breakdown and promote their natural elimination from the body.
  • 4 device-based treatments::
    • Cryolipolysis (fat freezing): Targets and freezes fat cells, leading to their natural breakdown without damaging surrounding tissues.
    • EMS (electrical muscle stimulation) – enhances muscle tone and firmness.
  • Treatment area: Double chin
  • Results:
    • Initial results are visible within 2–4 weeks, with optimal outcomes appearing 4–6 weeks after completing the full course.
    • Reduction of the double chin and tightening of the skin.

Customized Approach: All procedures are tailored to meet your body’s needs and goals. Our professional team is ready to provide personalized care and offer advice to achieve the best results.

Näidustused (sobib patsiendile, kellel on järgmised mured):

  • Topeltlõug: Kui teil on liigset rasva või lõtvunud nahk lõua ja kaela piirkonnas, aitab see pakett rasva vähendada ja ilusa vormi luua.
  • Lack of tone in the neck and chin: If visible sagging or loss of skin elasticity is present in the neck and chin area, lipolytics and device-based treatments can help firm and tone the skin.
  • Age-related changes and reduced skin elasticity: Age-related sagging of the skin and fat accumulation in the chin and neck area.
  • Localized fat burning: If you want precise fat burning only in the chin and neck area without affecting other parts of the body.
  • Increasing muscle tone: If you want to firm the muscles in the chin area and improve skin elasticity.

Vastunäidustused (ei sobi järgmistel juhtudel):

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Protseduurid, sealhulgas lipolüütikumid ja külmutusteraapia, ei ole soovitatavad rasedatele ja imetavatele naistele.
  • Kohalikud nahahaigused: Kui lõua või kaela piirkonnas on aktiivsed nahahaigused (nt ekseem, psoriaas, haavad, põletikud või infektsioonid), ei ole protseduur soovitatav.
  • Vähk: Kui teil on või on olnud vähk, eriti nahavähk või kilpnäärmevähk, tuleks seda protseduuri vältida.
  • Kohalikud metallimplantaadid: Kui teil on lõua piirkonnas metallimplantaadid (nt proteesid, naastud), võib see mõjutada protseduuri tõhusust ja turvalisust.
  • Kardiovaskulaarsed haigused: Kui teil on südameprobleemid või muud tõsised vereringehäired, on enne protseduuri konsulteerimine arsti või spetsialistiga vajalik.
  • Immune system disorders: Kui teil on häiritud immuunsüsteem (nt immuunpuudulikkus), ei ole protseduur soovitatav.
  • Ravimid, mis mõjutavad naha seisundit: Kui kasutate ravimeid, mis muudavad naha tundlikkust või võivad põhjustada naha haavatavust, võib protseduur olla riskantne.
  • Epilepsia: Kui teil on epilepsia, ei tohi protseduuri teha, kuna elektromagnetiline stimulatsioon võib tekitada ohtu.
  • Hiljutised operatsioonid: Kui olete hiljuti läbinud kirurgilise sekkumise lõua või kaela piirkonnas, tuleks protseduuri edasi lükata, kuni olete täielikult taastunud.

Mis on topeltlõua eemaldamine ja kuidas see aitab?

A double chin can develop for various reasons – aging, weight fluctuations, genetics, or even stress. This is a completely normal occurrence, but it can sometimes make us feel uncomfortable or even undermine our confidence. We understand this feeling, which is why we offer an innovative solution to help you eliminate your double chin and restore your self-confidence.

Our Combined Double Chin Removal Package pakub mitte ainult füüsilist muudatust, vaid ka emotsionaalset vabanemist. Kasutame kahte peamist tehnikat: lipolüütikumid Dr. Lipo and aparaatsed hooldused, et vabaneda liigsetest rasvadest kaela ja lõua piirkonnas.

How does it work?

  1. Dr. Lipo lipolytic – This is a specialized fat-dissolving formula that helps reduce excess fat deposits in the chin area. These lipolytics work locally, stimulating the breakdown of fat cells and promoting skin tightening.
  2. Device-based treatments – Cryotherapy (Cryolipolysis) is a safe and effective method that targets fat cells, leading them to natural breakdown. The procedure is non-invasive, painless, and requires no recovery time. Electromagnetic stimulation (EMS) helps tone the muscles in the neck and chin area, giving the skin a tighter and more youthful appearance.

Why choose our double chin removal procedure?

  • Sinu mugavus ja usaldus – Our goal is to make every procedure painless, safe, and as comfortable as possible for you. We understand that every person is unique, which is why we tailor our services to meet your individual needs.
  • Lasting results – Üks seanss võib tuua nähtavaid muutusi juba 2–4 nädala jooksul. Reduction of the double chin and tightening of the skin on püsivad ning tulemused ilmnevad järk-järgult, et anda sulle loomulik ja kaunis välimus.
  • Kohandatud hooldus – Meie spetsialistid on siin, et sind toetada igal sammul. Ükskõik, kas tegemist on esimesed sammud või täiendavad hooldusseansid, me pakume igakülgset tuge ja hoolt.

Mis sind ees ootab?

By deciding to get rid of your double chin, you are placing yourself in the reliable hands of professionals. Our team will ensure your comfort and support you every step of the way. The procedure is not only quick and effective but is also designed to make you feel confident and at ease. For us, it’s not just about external transformation but also about your inner peace. Every step brings you closer to your desired result and ultimate self-confidence.

Who is this procedure for ?

If you're tired of worrying about your double chin or if it has become an obstacle to your self-confidence, this procedure is the perfect solution for you. We offer not just external transformation, but also inner harmony, so you can feel calm, confident, and in tune with your body.

Don’t let doubts stop you from being the best version of yourself. Let’s start the journey to perfection together! We’ll create the jawline and neckline you’ve always dreamed of! Together, we'll create the jawline and neckline of your dreams!

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