

Ejal-tox (Ejal40+botox)


The Bio-Nutrilift is a truly unique rejuvenating treatment that combines a lifting effect with deep and long-lasting hydration. Not only does the procedure work well on the face, it is also suitable for revitalising the skin on the arms, neck and décolleté.

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Ejal-tox on tõhus  näonaha noorendamise protseduur, mis naha noorendamiseks, pakkudes nii niisutust kui ka kortsude vähendamist.

Protseduur sobi nii meestele kui naistele, kes soovivad parandada kortsude välimust või neid ennetada, samuti lisada nahale loomulikku sära ja elastsust.

The procedure uses:

Ejal40  – annab täiendava niisutava efekti, stimuleerib kollageeni ja elastiini sünteesi. Boutuliini– silub pindmisi kortse.


Tulemuseks on siledam ja niisutatud nahk “beebi efekt”. Vähenevad boorid ja ühtlustub jume.


Näo, kaela- ja dekolteepiirkonna hoolitsus

  • Blurred complexion
  • Fine wrinkles
  • Lõtvunud nahk


  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Allergy to the active ingredients of the injectable preparation or an anaesthetic cream.
  • Haematological and oncological diseases
  • Use of antibiotics, anticoagulants and antiaggregants
  • Acute illnesses, including colds and fever
  • Autoimmune diseases,
  • Inflammation in the injecting area

Duration of the procedure:

up to 45 min.

After the procedure:

  • After the procedure, there may be some tenderness in the area, redness, swelling, small haematomas, which disappear after a while.
  • To avoid complications, we recommend avoiding exercise, massage, wearing make-up for 24 hours, drinking alcohol for 48 hours and avoiding sauna and swimming for 1 week.
  • We recommend avoiding tanning and sunbathing for 1 week. When in the sun, we recommend using SPF 50 sunscreen.

Procedure cure:

Sõltuvalt naha seisundist ja soovitud tulemustest võib spetsialist soovitada korrata raviprotseduuri 6  kuu tagant.

Which can be combined with:

Depending on the patient's needs and goals, the procedure can be combined with fillers, plasma therapy, vitamins and other procedures. Ask our specialists for more information!

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