More than just an injection!
Ellansé restores and rejuvenates the skin layer by layer, providing a strong foundation for lasting results.
1. Immediate effect:
- Fills wrinkles and folds.
- Restores the shape and contours of the face.
2. Long-term effect through collagen stimulation:
- Reverses signs of aging.
- Rejuvenates the face and significantly improves skin quality (density, firmness, elasticity, tone, and texture).
Ellansé is a regenerative filler that provides immediate volume and stimulates long-term collagen production in the body. It helps restore skin firmness, elasticity, and a youthful appearance, suitable for both women and men.
Key features:
- 2-ühes efekt: Kohene kortsude täitmine ja pikaajaline kollageeni stimuleerimine.
- Töötamisviis: Ellansé sisaldab polükaprolaktooni (PCL) mikrosfääre, mis aitavad järk-järgult kollageeni taastada.
- Duration: Tulemus kestab sõltuvalt variandist 18–24 kuud.
- Kohesed tulemused: Volüümi taastamine ja kortsude täitmine on nähtav kohe pärast protseduuri.
- Piirkonnad: Sobib otsaesisele, meelekohtadele, põskedele, nasolabiaalsetele joonekestele, suu nurkadele, lõuale ja lõuajoonele.
- Ohutus: Tõestatud pikaajaline ohutusprofiil ja minimaalne ebamugavus protseduuri ajal.
Ellansé pakub kuluefektiivset lahendust, kuna tavaliselt piisab vaid ühest protseduurist, et saavutada pikaajaline nooruslik tulemus.
- Kortsud ja -volüümikaotused
- Facial contour correction
Safe and effective – Ellansé is approved in the European Union, and its ingredients have been used in medicine for over 20 years. The procedure is quick with minimal recovery time, allowing you to return to your regular activities soon after treatment.
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding
- Allergy to ingredients
- Active skin conditions
- Autoimmune diseases
- Immune system disorders
- Circulatory disorders
- Anticoagulant therapy
Procedure duration and recovery time:
- The procedure typically takes about 30 minutes.
- Recovery time is short, but it is advised to avoid excessive sunlight and extreme temperatures until swelling and redness subside.
Ellansé is suitable for those who want a more youthful and natural appearance without frequent repeat treatments.
Recovery time up to 2 weeks. Within 1 day after the injection, we recommend avoiding decorative cosmetics. For 2 weeks, we recommend avoiding the sauna and swimming pool.
Alcohol is not recommended for 2 days after the procedure. It is not recommended to engage in intense sports for up to 7 days after the procedure. Avoid tanning for 2 weeks.