✨ MELIOR PREMIUM BEAUTY – an exclusive 6-month beauty package ✨
At Melior Clinic, we offer over 300 premium beauty treatments for the face, body, neck, décolleté, hair, and hands, along with expert solutions for a wide range of aesthetic concerns. Enjoy comprehensive beauty and wellness care with no extra charges for each visit! Our team of 14+ highly skilled professionals brings over 13 years of expertise in aesthetic medicine, ensuring the highest level of care and outstanding results. Experience the latest innovations and personalized treatments at Melior Clinic, where beauty meets excellence!
At Melior Clinics, we combine science, innovation, and advanced technology to deliver premium beauty care, visible results, and an exceptional experience. Step into the future of aesthetics and embrace the best version of yourself!
The ultimate beauty and wellness experience in one exclusive package!
Do you dream of a youthful, well-groomed, and radiant appearance, all within an incredible offer?
MELIOR PREMIUM BEAUTY is designed for women and men who appreciate high-end beauty care, personalized treatments, and long-lasting results.
One fixed payment = 6 months of unlimited premium treatments at Melior Clinic!
✔ All beauty treatments in one package – no need to pay separately for each procedure!
✔ Personalized approach – we create a customized beauty plan for your skin and body.
✔ Regular treatments – ensure consistent youthfulness and well-being.
✔ High-end procedures – using cutting-edge technology and premium products.
✔ Convenience & savings – a fixed price for the entire year, allowing you to enjoy beauty and self-care as much as you need.
What does the package include?
The package covers all services at Melior Clinic, including:
Näohooldused & Esteetilised protseduurid
- Keemilised koorimised: Naha värskendamine ja sära taastamine
- Mesoteraapia ja Eksosoomiteraapia: Sügav niisutus ja toitained ning naharakkude uuendus
- Mikroneedling: Kollageeni stimuleerimine ja naha uuenemine
- Täiteained & Botuliintoksiin: Kortsude silumine ja volüümi taastamine
- Biorevitalisatsioon & Kollageeni stimulatsioon: Sügav niisutus ja naha noorendamine
- Näohooldused ja Näomassaažid: Naha elastsuse ja nooruslikkuse säilitamine, naha probleemide lahendamine (akne, pigmendilaigud, kortsud, kuivus jne.)
Aparaadihooldused – Tipptasemel tehnoloogia Sinu Ilu teenistuses
- HIFU Lifting, Fotonoorendus, Sublative, Sublime: Pinguldab ja noorendab nahka sügavuti
- Laserhooldused: Pigmentatsiooni, veresoonte ja armide korrigeerimine
Keha- ja lõõgastushooldused
- Bodyshape: Tervislik ainevahetus ja saledam figuur
- EMS, Kürolipolüüs ja Proshoci teraapia (Tselluliidiravi ja Rasvade Vähendamine, Lihastoonus): Keha korrigeerivad protseduurid – sujuv ja vormitud keha
- Tõhusad Kehahooldused: Naha pinguldamiseks ja elastsuse parandamiseks, pingete vähendamiseks ja tselluliidi raviks
- Massages
Erilised hooldused ja ravid
- Juuksehooldused: Tervislikud ja tugevad juuksed, juuste taastamine ja tugevdamine
- Karvade eemaldus laseriga: Tõhus ja püsiv lahendus karvade eemaldamiseks
- Infusiooniteraapiad: Keha ja naha taastamine ja noorendamine
- Plasmaravi Valule: Efektiivne valu leevendamine liigestele
Meditsiinilised ja probleemse nahaga hooldused
- Akne- ja Armiravi: Tervema ja klaarima naha nimel
- Pigmentatsiooni ja Veresoonte Korrigeerimine: Ühtlasem nahatoon
- Sügavad Nahka Uuendavad Protseduurid: Kauakestev sära ja nooruslikkus ning palju muud – kohandame vastavalt vajadusele
VIP Client Benefits:
✔ Priority bookings – your time is always our priority!
✔ Exclusive client status – special offers on products and additional benefits only for beauty package holders.
✔ Personal beauty consultant – we provide expert advice on achieving and maintaining your perfect look. Personalized beauty plan for six months.
Beaty package Price: €3000 / 6 months (regular price €8000)
The package includes unlimited access to all Melior Clinic services.
Book a consultation and begin your journey with us.
Gift yourself a year of luxurious beauty and enjoy every moment with confidence and well-being!