

Classic facial massage


A pleasant, relaxing massage that improves facial skin circulation, enhances tone, and makes the skin more elastic. The procedure helps reduce puffiness, improve complexion, and strengthens tissues, which in turn helps maintain youthful skin for longer.

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The procedure improves lymphatic drainage and microcirculation, enhances the supply of oxygen to the cells, increases muscle tone, and prevents signs of aging such as wrinkles, double chin, dull complexion, and sagging skin. Classic facial massage leaves the skin fresh and radiant, relaxes, and, through its combined effects, promotes inner balance and a sense of well-being.

Facial massage is suitable for men and women of all ages. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to start facial massage from the age of 25.


  • improvement of microcirculation
  • reduction of swelling
  • increased venous blood flow
  • toning of facial skin and muscles
  • softening of fine surface wrinkles
  • softening of fine surface wrinkles
  • nourishment and hydration of facial and décolleté skin


  • purulent inflammations (papules, pustules, acne)
  • dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis in an acute phase
  • cold
  • enlarged lymph nodes
  • herpes
  • rosacea
  • acute respiratory disease
  • immediately after a visit to the dentist
  • brain concussion (up to 6 months)
  • dizziness
  • severe circulatory disorders
  • facial tumors (oncological)
  • infections
  • infectious or other eye inflammation
  • allergic reaction to massage cream or oil

Duration of the procedure:
45 minutes

Recommended course of procedures:

To achieve the best therapeutic and cosmetic results, the course usually consists of 15–20 sessions with a frequency of 2–3 times per week (every 1–2 days). Increasing the frequency is not recommended to avoid reducing the massage's effectiveness due to habituation. A frequency of less than 2 times per week is also not advisable, as the procedures would work in isolation.

What can be combined with the procedure?

The procedure can be combined with various facial treatments.

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