

Col Du Marine™ Beauty Peptides Formula (30 x 5.26 g)


3 payments 16€ per month, without additional fees. Modena

Col Du Marine combines pure marine collagen, hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, and bamboo silica (silicon dioxide) — making it the perfect formula for healthy skin, hair, and joints.


Marine collagen, hyaluronic acid, and bamboo silica – a perfect combination!

Discover the supplement that combines pure marine collagen, hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, and bamboo silica —all in one —to support your beauty and well-being from within.

Product benefits:

150 000 mg of pure marine collagen peptides — ensures healthy skin, hair, and joints.
3000 mg of hyaluronic acid – madala molekulmassiga (parim imendumine).
Maitsestamata – seguneb sinu lemmikjoogis märkamatult.
Parim imendumiskiirus – väikese molekulmassiga (4 kDa).
100% lahustuv and ilma lisatud lõhna-, maitse- või magusaineteta.

Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid:

  • Speeds up cell renewal.
  • Toetab keha enda kollageeni ja elastiini tootmist.
  • Toimib kui niiskuse magnet, hoides naha niisutatuna ja säravana.

Benefits of Vitamin C:

  • Supports kollageeni tootmist ja pakub antioksüdantset kaitset.
  • Aitab säilitada ühtlast ja säravat jumet aastaringselt.

Benefits of Bamboo Extract and Silica:

  • Rich in essential amino acids and vitamins vital for skin health. aminohappeid ja vitamiine.
  • Reduces the risk of hormonal acne .
  • Helps eliminate from the body toxins.
  • Enhances blood vessel strength and elasticity.
  • Supports the synthesis of chondroitin and hyaluronic acid for joint health.

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For your beauty and health – support your body with Col Du Marine’s perfect formula!

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