

New! Electromagnetic EMS + Cryotherapy V1.2 for the Body


The synergy of two technologies – the best results in one device.

Our innovative device combines electromagnetic muscle training and fat freezing technologies , offering a truly unique approach to body contouring and fat reduction.Build and tone muscles while tightening the skin!

Elektromagnetiline stimulatsioon kutsub esile intensiivseid lihaskokkutõmbeid, mis on võrreldavad kuni 20 000 kõhulihase harjutusega vaid ühe seansi jooksul. Tegemist on intensiivse lihasstimulatsiooniga, mida tavaline treening harva suudab saavutada samas ajavahemikus, kuna lihased töötavad seadme mõjul sügavamates kihtides ja kõrgema sagedusega.Ainulaadne 30-minutiline protseduur = 3-tunnine treening!

Üks seanss meie kaasaegse EMS-aparaadiga võrdub:

  • 20 000 muscle contractions
  • 200 plank exercises
  • 20 000 abdominal crunches
  • 300 deep squats

Targeted Fat Reduction

The freezing technology targets fat cells, leading them to natural breakdown without damaging surrounding tissues. After just one session, fat loss can range from 20% to 25% regionally, depending on the application area and body type.

The procedure is non-invasive, painless , and requires no recovery time. Fat freezing therapy can be applied to the following areas: abdomen, buttocks, thighs, waist, arms, and double chin. Dreaming of perfectly shaped buttocks, a slimmer waist, toned abs (six-pack), a sculpted chin, or even all of it together? Visit us!
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Innovative body contouring procedure – a new level for achieving excellent shape!

Starting from December 2024, we are excited to offer an exclusive and unique body shaping procedure that combines two advanced technologies – electromagnetic muscle stimulation and fat freezing. This method ensures impressive results, allowing for simultaneous muscle growth and fat reduction.

How does it work?
The procedure is based on two types of technologies that, when combined, create an effect that is difficult to achieve even with the most intense workout:

  1. Electromagnetic Stimulation
    • Induces up to 20,000 muscle contractions during a single session.
    • Strengthens muscles, improves tone, and activates deep muscles that are hard to target with regular workouts.
    • Muscle stimulation also accelerates fat burning and its natural elimination from the body.
  2. Fat Freezing
    • Unwanted fat cells are broken down through cooling and then eliminated naturally by the body’s processes.
    • Does not harm surrounding tissues, is painless, and requires no recovery time.

Benefits of the Procedure

  • A unique combined solution for muscle building and fat reduction.
  • Painless and non-invasive, requiring no recovery time.
  • Long-lasting results – fat cell removal is permanent, and muscles remain stronger even after the sessions.
  • Effective even for small amounts of fat, helping to shape challenging areas (e.g., abdomen, “love handles,” double chin, arms, thighs).
  • Time-efficient – achieve results without spending hours in the gym.

Who is it for?

  • People looking to improve body tone and eliminate localized fat.
  • Perfect for those whose muscles have weakened after weight loss or childbirth.
  • An ideal solution for individuals with a fast-paced lifestyle who struggle to find time for regular workouts.
  • Suitable for both men and women.

The procedure is not performed in the following cases:

  • Metal or electronic implants.
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding, or during menstruation.
  • Skin inflammation or acute health conditions (e.g., cancer, asthma, thyroid disorders).
  • Recent surgery or cosmetic fillers.

Effects and Results

  • Strengthening muscles and improving tone..
  • Reducing fat, slimming, and toning body contours..
  • Increased energy expenditure due to muscle mass and accelerated metabolism..
  • Improved circulation and enhanced toxin elimination..

Comparison Between Device and Traditional Workout

Criteria Device Workout
Lack of Time Short, targeted sessions. Requires regular commitment.
Specific Areas Effective in localized fat burning. Acts more broadly but less precisely.
Overall Health Does not affect the cardiovascular system. Improves overall health and endurance.
Muscle Strengthening Fast and intense muscle stimulation. Requires long-term and consistent training.

Our innovative procedure is a great choice for those seeking quick andvisible results, while regular exercise helps maintain overall health and long-term fitness. Combine these approaches, to achieve your dream body even more effectively!

Procedure Frequency and Course

Muscle Toning Procedure (Electromagnetic Stimulation):

  • Recommended Frequency: The procedure can be performed 1-2 times a week , depending on the body’s condition and goals.
  • Recommended Course: For optimal results, we recommend completing 4 procedures. The first visible results are often noticeable 2-4 weeks after the course is completed.
  • To maintain results, we recommend maintenance procedures every 2-3 months..

Procedure Fat freezing (Cryolipolysis):

  • Recommended Frequency: The procedure can be repeated on the same area 2 months after the first course.
  • Undergoing two consecutive courses helps enhance the fat removal effect and accelerates results.
  • The procedure is painless, non-invasive, and requires no recovery time, making it an ideal solution for quick body contouring.

Combined Approach

  • Electromagnetic muscle stimulation and fat freezing procedures can be performed simultaneously to achieve faster and more noticeable results. However, the above frequency recommendations apply to each body area.

Results are lasting and visible after the course ends, but regular maintenance helps maintain the achieved shape and provides long-term results.

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