

ELOS™ Sublative laser grinding


ELOS™ Sublative laserlihvimise tehnoloogia võimaldab teostada maailmas unikaalset mittekirurgilist protseduuri to tighten skin and smooth wrinkles. The result: a youthful appearance and increased self-confidence. 


Elos Plus Sublative fractional rejuvenation is an effective minimally invasive procedure developed by Syneron Candela, using fractional radiofrequency to create controlled micro-injuries in the skin. This internationally recognized method stimulates the intensive production of collagen and elastin, improving skin texture, evening out skin tone, reducing pore size, and diminishing the appearance of scars. The result is firmer, more elastic skin with a more even tone and noticeable improvements in appearance, with minimal recovery time and no need for surgical intervention.


  • Improves uneven skin texture
  • Reduces the appearance of wrinkles 
  • Tightens loose skin and improves skin elasticity
  • Improves the appearance of acne scars and other scars


  • Inflammatory diseases in the treatment area
  • Dermatitis, eczema and skin rashes
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Diabetes
  • Electric pacemaker
  • Oncological diseases
  • Active herpes in the treatment area

Duration of the procedure: 

up to 60 minutes.

Procedure info: 

During the procedure, contact lenses and any metal objects must be removed. It is essential to avoid sun exposure, tanning beds, and self-tanning products for at least 2 weeks prior to the procedure.

Protseduuri ei saa teha väga päevitunud ehk pruunile nahale! Enne protseduuri tuleb kindlasti vältida fototundlikkust ehk valgustundlikkust tekitavate (Roccutan,Tetratsükliin jt.) ja verd vedeldavate (Marevan jt.) medikamentide, taimsete ekstraktide (naistepuna jt.), vitamiinide (A vitamiin jt. suurtes kogustes).

Kui olete teinud tugevatoimelist näo keemilist koorimist või kirurgilisi protseduure, siis peaks olema nende teostamisest möödunud 2 nädalat kuni 3 kuud enne protseduurile tulekut. Protseduurile on soovitatav tulla puhta nahaga, kasutamata kreeme, parfüümi ja meiki.

After the procedure: 

After 2-3 days of the procedure, avoid any irritating activities on the treated surface (sauna, mechanical irritation, sweating). Moisturising, nourishing and protective gentle creams should be applied. Further instructions will be given by a specialist after the procedure.

2-3 days after the procedure there may be severe redness, swelling of the skin. After the procedure, we recommend avoiding tanning for up to 4 weeks. We recommend the use of sunscreen when in the sun.

Recommended course of procedures:

It is recommended to undergo 3 to 5 procedures for best results. To maintain the result, we recommend repeating the procedure 1-2 times a year.

Esimesi protseduuri järgseid tulemusi on näha 1 nädala jooksul.  Parima tulemuse saavutamiseks on soovitatav läbida kuni 5 protseduuri 3-4 nädalaste intervallidega. Tulemuse säilitamiseks soovitame protseduuri korrata 1-2 korda aastas.

What can be combined with the procedure?

Meie valikus on mitmeid protseduure, mis toetavad parima tulemuse saavutamist ja pikaaegset toimet. Mesoteraapia, biorevitalisatsioon ja plasmateraapia ning kosmeetilised hooldused kombineerituna annavad kauaaaegse tulemuse ning ühtlasi pöörduvad vanaemisprotsessid meile kasulikus suunas tagasi.

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