



The Meso-Botox procedure is a fantastic treatment for achieving skin firmness and elasticity. The injectable solution helps smooth fine lines and reduce skin laxity on the face, neck, and décolleté. The result is a “Glass skin effect.”


The glass skin effect, or meso-botox, is an innovative procedure that combines the benefits of mesotherapy with the skin-smoothing properties of botulinum toxin. During the treatment, a more diluted form of botulinum toxin is injected into the upper layers of the skin using ultra-fine needles. Unlike traditional botox injections that target specific muscle groups, meso-botox distributes evenly within the skin without paralyzing muscles, improving skin texture, reducing redness, and smoothing fine lines. The result is the "glass skin" effect: smooth, even skin with visibly tightened pores.

Meso-botox hõlmab kahte iluprotseduuri: mesoteraapia ja botulotoksiini süstid. Meso-botoxi kantakse naha pindmisesse kihti süstetehnika abil. Protseduuri tulemus on loomulik säilitades algse näoilme, kuid samalajal siludes peeneid kortse. Tänu spetsiaalset valitud  mesokokteilie, mis sisaldab erinevaid komponente nagu ristseotud hüaluroonhape, vitamiinid, antioksüdandid, mineraalid, aminohapped, peptiidid ja kasvufaktorid, on nahk niisutatud ja noorendatud. Meso- botoks protseduur hooldab väsinud, lõtvunud, õhukest nahka.


Protseduuri tulemusel saavutatakse kerge liting, rasuerituse ja higistamise vähenemine ning pooride ahenemine töödeldud alal. Nahk on sügavalt niisutatud. Protseduuri tulemusena paraneb naha elastsus, nahk on siledam ja peatub naha soovimatu läige.


Nahalõtvus: Meso-Botoxi kasutatakse naha pingulduse ja elastsuse parandamiseks. See aitab siluda peeneid jooni ja vähendada naha lõtvust näol, kaelal ja dekolteel.

Poorid: Meso-Botoxi süstimine vähendab pooride suurust ja parandab naha tekstuuri. See aitab saavutada siledamat ja ühtlasemat nahapinda.

Rasune nahk: Meso-botox võib aidata vähendada liigset rasueritust, reguleerida naha rasu tootmist ning vähendada läike ja rasuse naha probleeme.

Särav nahk: Meso-Botoxi protseduur aitab parandada naha üldist välimust, annab nooruslikuma ja säravama ilme ning  loomuliku ja tervisliku sära.


  • Allergia ravimi või selle komponentide suhtes
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Infectious diseases
  • Suhkurtõbi
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Nahahaiguste ägenemine süstepiirkonnas
  • Epilepsia
  • Onkoloogilised haiguse

Duration of the procedure: 

ühele piirkonnale kulub kuni 25 minutit.

Procedures cure:

The condition of the skin improves after the first procedure.

After the procedure: 

  • Small papules are produced by injection into the skin, which usually disappear within a few hours.
  • Small bruises, redness, may also appear in the injection area, which will heal within a few days.
  • There may be swelling in the injection area, which will improve in about 3-4 days.
  • Do not use make-up products for at least 12 hours after the injection procedure.
  • Do not touch or massage the injected area for a couple of hours.
  • It is not recommended to drink alcohol for at least 1 day after the procedure.
  • It is not advisable to engage in heavy sport for up to 1 week after the injection.
  • Avoid saunas and hot baths for at least 1 week.
  • Avoid tanning for 2 weeks.

What can be combined with the procedure?

We recommend combining mesotherapy with plasma therapy, and the added value of various instrumental procedures (Hifu, Photorejuvenation), which help to achieve beautiful facial contours and skin firmness.

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