

Plastic facial massage


Plastic facial massage combined with overall skincare enables excellent and long-lasting results. It helps to significantly tighten the facial contour, making it more defined, and also relieves tension in facial muscles, bringing them into tone.

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The technique of plastic facial massage differs from the classic one. The difference lies not only in the final effect of the procedure but also in its application features. In particular, sculptural massage requires maximum precision and rhythm in actions. Moreover, no creams or lotions are used for tissue treatment; only a special sterile talc is applied, covering the face and neck entirely. This ensures better contact between the specialist's hands and the patient's skin, enhancing the effectiveness of the procedure.

This type of massage is recommended for patients after facial plastic surgery. It is also suitable for people whose profession involves daily significant strain on facial muscles (actors, TV hosts, etc.).


  • undefined facial contour.
  • loss of firmness and elasticity in the skin of the face and neck.
  • deep age-related or expression wrinkles.
  • persistent puffiness under the eyes.


  • any skin inflammations – eczema, dermatitis, acne, purulent rashes, etc.;
  • presence of large moles, papillomas, or tumors;
  • problems with the facial vascular system – couperose, rosacea, etc.;
  • various allergic reactions;
  • acute respiratory infections;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • excessive skin sensitivity;
  • lood clotting disorders.

Duration of the procedure:
45 minutes

Recommended course of procedures:

To achieve the best therapeutic and cosmetic results, the course usually consists of 15–20 sessions with a frequency of 2–3 times per week (every 1–2 days). Increasing the frequency is not recommended to avoid reducing the massage's effectiveness due to habituation. A frequency of less than 2 times per week is also not advisable, as the procedures would work in isolation.
Ärge kuritarvitage protseduure ja tehke nende vahel vähemalt 1-päevane paus.Ja täiskuuri lõpus tuleks kindlasti teha umbes paari kuuline paus, et kuded saaksid täielikult puhata ja taastuda.

What can be combined with the procedure?

The procedure can be combined with various facial treatments.

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