

Revolax Deep Filler


Deep is a thicker and longer-lasting filler than the average Revolax trio. The results of a filler last for 12-18 months. Revolax Deep filler is most commonly used to correct nasolabial folds (known as laugh lines) and to contour and shape the chin, cheeks and lips. Our clinic specialists have the training and experience to help our patients with even the most delicate concerns.

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The birthplace of Revolax filler is beauty pioneer South Korea. Revolax has come to the market to shake up the world of fillers. Revolax has succeeded with a fresh and bold approach. Revolax fillers have the backing of leading surgeons and aesthetic practitioners.

Revolax has stayed true to its promise to deliver quality and incredible results, and through this, Revolax filler has won the title of "People's Favourite".

Revolax fillers are developed with the highest quality hyaluronic acid (HA) base, they are specifically designed to model and fill different areas of the face to achieve contour and volume. The main ingredient in the fillers, hyaluronic acid, is our skin's ultimate moisturiser and at the same time texturally shaper.

Deep is a thicker and longer-lasting filler than the average Revolax trio. The results of a filler last for 12-18 months.

Revolax Deep filler is most commonly used to correct nasolabial folds (known as laugh lines) and to contour and shape the chin, cheeks and lips. Our clinic specialists have the training and experience to help our patients with even the most delicate concerns.

The most popular Revolax Deep procedure is the correction of nasolabial folds and lip augmentation.

  • The Revolax Deep filler procedure is easy to tolerate. A numbing cream is applied before the procedure to make the experience pleasant for the patient.
  • The effects of Revolax Deep are gradually reversed and the filler is eliminated from the body through metabolism.
  • Revolax Deep result is instantly visible
  • Revolax Deep filler can be dissolved if you don't like the result of the filler.
  • Revolax Deep filler is suitable for both men and women.


  • Known allergy to hyaluronic acid or to any of the active substances in the preparation
  • Oncological diseases, keloids, active inflammations including herpes.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Acute infectious disease
  • Acute herpes
  • General illnesses (low immunity, fever, severe muscle diseases)
  • Bitter/traumatised/inflammatory skin in the injection area, keloid scars, active herpes.

The procedure for taming:

Up to 60 minutes.

After the procedure:

There may be a small amount of redness or swelling at the injection site, which will disappear within a few hours to a day. You can resume most daily activities immediately after treatment, but we recommend:

  • Do not touch the area to be injected and wash for 2h.
  • Avoid wearing make-up for at least 6 hours after the procedure.
  • Avoid saunas, swimming pools and heavy exercise and alcohol for at least 24 hours.
  • Avoid tanning, sunbeds and self-tanning creams for 1 week.
  • Avoid other strong facial procedures for 2 weeks (chemical peels, laser procedures, etc.).
  • Protect your skin from UV rays for 2 weeks (sunscreen SPF50).
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