

Mesotherapy Infini L715


Mesoteraapia on noorendav ja sügavniisutav protseduur, mille käigus viiakse vitamiinid, aminohapped, mineraalid ja hüaluroonhape süstemeetodiga sügavamale naha kihti. Selle tulemusel muutub nahk säravaks ning värskeks, vähenevad miimilised kortsud, taastub naha toonus, ahenevad poorid. Protseduur sobib näole, kaelale, dekolteele ja silmaümbruspiirkonnale nii naistele kui meestele.  Sobib vanusele al.  55+ aastat

SKU: 1-meso-infini-L Category:


The mesotherapy procedure cares for tired, loose, thin skin. The therapy is suitable for deep hydration of sun damaged and dry skin. Mesotherapy is one of the basic treatments we recommend as part of every patient's beauty ritual. Combined with other procedures and treatments, it helps to prevent skin ageing and also reduces the signs of ageing.

INFINI Meso L on anti-vananemise kokteil, mis on loodud tugevate naha vananemise tunnustega nahale. Preparaat sobib hästi vanusele +55 aastat.

Hüaluroonhape: 150 mg / 10 ml 10 AMINOHAPET: Alaniin, histidiin, isoleutsiin, arginiin, leutsiin, metioniin, fenüülalaniin, treoniin, valiin, trüptofaan

Preparaat INFINI L  on naha vananemise sümptomitele pühendatud hüaluroonhappe kokteil, mis on rikastatud aminohapete kompleksiga. Kokteili mõjul stimuleeritakse nahas kollageeni ja elastiini tootmist, et saavutada nooruslik välimus- ühtlase jumega ning sile nahk. Tegemist on süsteprotseduuriga, mis on hästi talutav. Preparaat sobib kõikidele nahatüüpidele. Protseduur taastab stressis naha tasakaalu ja parandab ebaühtlast kahvatut jume. Muudab silmaümbruspiirkonna niisutatumaks, säravamaks ja elastsemaks, vähendab väikseid kortse.

Preparaadi peamised koostisosad on: Hüaluroonhape: 75 mg / 5 ml Aminohapped: alaniin, histidiin, isoleutsiin, arginiin, leutsiin, metioniin, fenüülalaniin, treoniin, valiin, trüptofaan.


Toonuses ja särav nahk. Sügav niisutus ja naha loomuliku kollageeni ja elastiini tootmise aktiveerimine.


  • Kortsudevastane ja vananemisvastane ennetamine
  • Tugev naha niisutamine
  • Naha kvaliteedi parandamine
  • Nahavigade kõrvaldamine
  • Naha värvuse parandamine
  • Tugev naha toitmine ja niisutamine


  • Skin diseases
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Oncological diseases
  • Immune system diseases
  • Hypersensitivity or allergy to the components of the preparation

Duration of the procedure: 

up to 45 minutes.

Procedures cure:

The condition of the skin improves after the first treatment. We recommend a series of treatments to achieve maximum results. The recommended course is 4-6 treatments. It is recommended to do the procedures every 10-14 days. We recommend that you have the treatment up to 2x a year.

After the procedure: 

  • Small papules are produced by injection into the skin, which usually disappear within a few hours.
  • Small bruises, redness, may also appear in the injection area, which will heal within a few days.
  • There may be swelling in the injection area, which will improve in about 3-4 days.
  • Do not use make-up products for at least 12 hours after the injection procedure.
  • Do not touch or massage the injected area for a couple of hours.
  • It is not recommended to drink alcohol for at least 1 day after the procedure.
  • It is not advisable to engage in heavy sport for up to 1 week after the injection.
  • Avoid saunas and hot baths for at least 1 week.
  • Avoid tanning for 2 weeks.

What can be combined with the procedure?

We recommend combining mesotherapy with plasma therapy, and the added value of various instrumental procedures (Hifu, Photorejuvenation), which help to achieve beautiful facial contours and skin firmness.

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