

Microneedling F-HA


An effective skincare procedure against aging that wonderfully transforms dull and gray skin into a bright complexion, while also smoothing wrinkles and tightening the skin. A great alternative for those who prefer needle-free treatments for their beauty care. Results are visible after the first procedure.

The procedure can be performed on the: face, neck, décolletage, and hands.

Special pricing is available when purchasing a course of treatments!

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Microneedling is a special procedure that includes three parts of cosmetic treatment: exfoliation, microneedling with a special serum, and a restorative mask. The microneedling procedure is suitable for both men and women of all ages and is an effective alternative for those who prefer to avoid injection-based treatments. It also works well in combination with injections and laser treatments, prolonging their effects.

Microneedling enhances the absorption of various serums by up to 80%. The skin becomes significantly smoother and brighter after just one procedure.

Protseduuri käigus valmistatakse nahk ette, eemaldatakse surnud naharakud ning tehakse ettevalmistus mikronõelravi jaoks. Imepeente nõeltega tehakse nahale mikrokanalid, suurendades kollageeni ja elastiini tootmist ning soodustades toimeainete sisseviimist. Protseduuri ajal kohandatakse nõelte sügavust vastavalt naha tüübile ja vajadusele, lisaks valitakse sobiv seerum. Protseduur on hästi talutav.

Mikronõelravi F-HA

TOIMEAINED: Hyaluronic acid MW (1,5%)


– Sügavate kortsude ja miimikajoonte vähendamine.
– Naha prinkuse parandamine.
– Naha niisutamine pärisnaha tasandil.

Hüaluroonhape on tõhus äärmise kuivuse, sügavate staatiliste kortsude ja prinkuse vähenemise korral. See on uskumatute
omadustega looduslik polüsahhariid, mida täiustab veelgi kasutatav erivorm:
kõrge molekulmass, mis tagab kiire ja pikaajalise tulemuse.

Dehüdratsioon ja prinkuse vähenemine on naha vananemise tunnused, mis põhjustavad teatud näopiirkondades kortsude teket
ja lõtvumist. Hüaluroonhape aitab säilitada niisutatud ja prinki nahka, parandades rakkude sidusust, vältides
transepidermaalset veekadu ning stimuleerides kollageen I sünteesi.

Selle tulemuseks on üha pringim ja paremini niisutatud nahk, mis muudab naha välimuse nooremaks ja atraktiivsemaks nii elastsuse kui ka toonuse poolest.
F-HA on paikselt kasutatav nahatäiteaine, mis on looduslik ja kulutõhus alternatiiv süstitavatele nahatäiteainetele. See ei sisalda retikulatsiooniaineid, nagu DVS või BDDE, mistõttu on see ohutum ja loomulikum valik. 

After the treatment, the skin immediately appears younger, and after 2-3 weeks, its appearance improves even more. For best results, it is recommended to undergo a course of 3-5 treatments, with intervals determined according to individual needs. Recovery time is 2-3 days.

Before and after the treatment

For best results

  • Avoid tanning for 2 weeks before the treatment. Use sunscreen.
  • Before the procedure, allow the effect of self-tanning products to fully wear off.
  • Anti-wrinkle injections (such as Botox and fillers) require a 3-4 week buffer period before/after the treatment.
  • Stop using active products 1 week before the treatment (retinol, glycolic acid, benzoyl peroxide).
  • Do not undergo IPL/laser skin treatments 2 weeks before microneedling.
  • Do not exfoliate the skin 72 hours before the treatment.
  • Do not wax or undergo any hair removal treatments 72 hours before the treatment.
  • Use sunscreen daily.

Duration of the procedure:

60 minutes

Procedures cure:

The initial course consists of 3 to 5 treatments, with a 2-week interval between sessions. Maintenance treatments are once every 6 weeks.

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