

Skin Booster PDRN - Skin Revitalization and Renewal


Intensiivne naha taastamine ja noorendamine

Action: Deep cell renewal, anti-inflammatory effect, and tissue regeneration.

Effects on the skin:

Stimulates skin regeneration and enhances cell renewal
Improves moisture balance and elasticity
Soothes irritated skin and reduces inflammation
Suitable for aging, sensitive, and damaged skin

Suitable for: Dry, inflamed, and aging skin, as well as for recovery after aesthetic procedures. Also suitable for the scalp to restore balance and stimulate hair growth.

SKU: 1- Hanheal - Pdrn Categories: ,


Skin Booster is an innovative skin-revitalizing procedure that stimulates skin regeneration and rejuvenation at the cellular level. It improves skin quality, accelerates tissue renewal, and provides deep hydration and elasticity.


Face – helps reduce wrinkles, improve elasticity, and even out skin tone
Eye Area – reduces dark circles and fine lines
Neck – tightens and improves skin texture, reduces wrinkles
Décolleté – enhances skin elasticity and evens out texture
Hands – restores skin moisture balance and reduces signs of aging
Stretch marks and scars – promotes skin healing and improves its structure
Scalp – supports scalp health and may help stimulate hair growth


✔ Dry and dehydrated skin – helps restore the skin’s natural moisture balance
✔ Elastsuse ja toonuse kadu – sobib vananevale ja lõtvunud nahale
✔ Fine lines and expression wrinkles – helps smooth and tighten the skin
✔ Acne scars and pigmentation spots – evens out skin texture and tone
✔ Inflamed and sensitive skin – soothes irritation and strengthens the skin's protective barrier
✔ Skin recovery after aesthetic procedures – accelerates healing and reduces redness
✔ Ebaühtlane jume ja väsinud nahk – annab nahale särava ja ühtlase välimuse

Nahaboosteri eelised:

Deep regeneration – stimulates cell renewal and collagen production
Intensive hydration and elasticity – restores the skin’s moisture balance and strength
Even and radiant complexion – reduces pigmentation spots and evens out skin tone
Põletikuvastane toime – rahustab tundlikku ja ärritunud nahka
Nooruslik ja pingul nahk – vähendab kortsukesi ja annab lifting-efekti

How does the procedure work?

During the procedure, the product is injected into the middle layer of the skin using the microinjection method, ensuring maximum absorption of active ingredients and optimal results. The procedure is quick and comfortable, with minimal downtime. The first results are visible after just one session, but for the best outcome, a course of 3–4 treatments is recommended.


Pregnancy and breastfeeding
Ägedad nahapõletikud ja infektsioonid (nt aktiivne akne, herpes)
Autoimmuunhaigused ja rasked kroonilised haigused
Verehüübimishäired ja verevedeldajate kasutamine
Allergia toimeainete suhtes
Värsked nahakahjustused või lahtised haavad süstekohtades


Särav ja niisutatud nahk
Nooruslik ja elastne välimus
Ühtlane jume ja paranenud nahatekstuur

Course of Treatments

Recommended course:

🔹 Esimene kuur: 3-4 seanssi

Iga seanss toimub 2–3 nädala tagant.
Esimesed tulemused on nähtavad pärast esimest seanssi, kuid parim efekt saavutatakse mitme seansi jooksul.

🔹 Järgnevad hooldused:

1-2 seanssi aastas hooldusena, et hoida naha seisundit ja nooruslikkust.
Hoolduste sagedus sõltub naha vajadustest ja vanusegrupist.

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