

Kogege MaiLi eeliseid – uue põlvkonna hüaluroonhappe täiteaine, mis kasutab auhinnatud OxiFree™ tehnoloogiat. See uuenduslik valem võimaldab saavutada loomulikult kauneid tulemusi, kasutades vähem toodet, aidates teil soovitud välimuse saavutada kerguse ja mugavusega. Murraguline tehnoloogia neile naistele, kes tahavad häid tulemusi ning soovivad vähem fillerit!

Sõltuvalt soovitud tulemustest ja piirkonnast võib protseduuri käigus kasutada 1 kuni 3 ml või rohkem täiteainet. Väiksemate piirkondade, nagu huulte puhul, võib piisata 1 ml-st, samas kui suuremad piirkonnad või kombineeritud protseduurid, nagu täiteaine kasutamine põskedel ja lõual, võivad vajada suuremat kogust, kuni 2-3 ml või rohkem. Lõplik täiteaine kogus määratakse kindlaks vastavalt patsiendi eesmärkidele ja arsti soovitustele

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MaiLi offers an innovative range of hyaluronic acid fillers that use OxiFree™ technology. This technology ensures an elastic gel that allows for natural movement in facial areas, providing long-lasting and soft results with less product. MaiLi fillers are suitable for various needs and facial areas, including fine lines, contouring, volume enhancement, and correction of deep wrinkles. The formula ensures comfort – no discomfort like stiffness or overuse of product, while still offering long-term satisfaction and convenience.

MaiLi filler results last 12–18 months, depending on the type of product selected and the injection area.

MaiLi uses OxiFree™ technologyto preserve the long molecular chains of hyaluronic acid (HA), providing a unique elastic gel that responds well to pressure and aligns with natural facial movements. The technology reduces the required level of cross-linking, offering soft and long-lasting results. The gel returns to its original shape after pressure and maintains elasticity, working seamlessly with the skin and tissues. MaiLi fillers allow for natural, customizable results with less product. The results are visible immediately!

MaiLi offers a range of hyaluronic acid-based fillers targeting different facial areas:

MaiLi Precise – for filling delicate areas and fine lines.

MaiLi Define – for contouring and correcting deeper wrinkles.

MaiLi Volume – for volume enhancement in the cheeks and jawline.

MaiLi Extreme – for achieving maximum volume and long-lasting results.

Each product is suited for a specific facial area and helps achieve the desired result.


  • Lip volume enhancement and contouring.
  • Restoring the smoothness of the delicate lip surface.
  • Fine lines around the lips.
  • Enhancing facial contours, including the jawline and cheeks.
  • For filling deep wrinkles.


  • Known allergy to hyaluronic acid or to any of the active substances in the preparation
  • Oncological diseases, keloids, active inflammations including herpes.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Acute infectious disease
  • General illnesses (low immunity, fever, severe muscle diseases)
  • Bitter/traumatised/inflammatory skin in the injection area, keloid scars, active herpes.

Duration of the procedure:

Up to 60 minutes. We also use a numbing cream during the procedure to make it as painless as possible.

After the procedure: 

Recovery is generally rapid. Mild redness, skin sensitivity and swelling may occur. An ice pack may be used in the injected area if necessary.

  • Do not lie down or touch the injected area for a few hours after the injection.
  • It is not recommended to consume alcohol at least 24 hours before and after the procedure.
  • It is not advisable to engage in heavy sport for up to 48 h after the injection.
  • Avoid saunas and hot baths for at least 7 days.

Come for the procedure and enjoy your beauty to the fullest!

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