Peamassaaž on traditsiooniline teraapia, mis keskendub pea, kaela, õlgade ja ülaselja piirkondadele. See lõõgastav ja stressi leevendav massaaž stimuleerib vereringet, parandab vaimset selgust ja aitab tasakaalustada keha energiavoogusid. Massaaži tehakse istuvas või lamavas asendis, kasutades õrnaid lööke, survepunkte ja ringjaid liigutusi, et vabastada pingeid ning edendada üldist heaolu.
Main Benefits:
- Reduction of stress and anxiety: Effectively promotes relaxation and alleviates stress, anxiety, and tension headaches.
- Stimulation of blood circulation and lymphatic flow: Promotes improved blood circulation in the head and neck, which helps efficiently remove toxins from the body and deliver oxygen-rich blood to the brain.
- Relief of muscle tension and pain: Effectively relieves tension in the neck and shoulder muscles caused by prolonged sitting or stress, improving overall well-being.
- Improving hair and scalp health: Stimulates scalp circulation, effectively promoting hair growth and enhancing overall hair condition, making it stronger and healthier.
- Improving mental clarity and focus: Effectively calms the mind, enhancing focus and mental clarity for greater productivity.
- Stress and anxiety
- Tension headaches and migraines
- Neck and shoulder pain
- Fatigue and mental exhaustion
- Hair and scalp problems
- Acute scalp or skin infections
- Recent injuries to the neck or shoulder area
- Serious cardiovascular issues
- High blood pressure (consult with a doctor)
- Acute migraine
The procedure duration is 40 minutes.
For optimal results, a course of 3-4 sessions is recommended.